Lab. for Off-Road Equipment and Soil-Machine Systems Design

Individually Sponsored

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19. Reducer Optimal Design Program Development, 감속기 최적 설계 프로그램 개발, Hyundai Mobis , On-going, 2023. 06. 26 ~ 2024. 04. 19
18. Development of reliability of multi-purpose unmanned vehicle in-wheel gear drive unit, 다목적무인차 인휠 기어드라이브 유닛 신뢰성 개발, Hyundai Mobis , On-going, 2023. 06. 20 ~ 2023. 12. 15
17. Shape optimization and structural analysis of gear for coaxial rotor helicopter’s power train, 동축반전 헬리콥터용 동력전달장치 기어 형상 최적화 및 구조 해석, KIM Co., Ltd , On-going, 2023. 04. 20 - 2023. 08. 19
16. Development of simulation technique for analysis of gear abnormal noise, 기어 이상 소음 성분 해석 기술 개발, Hyundai Motor Company , Completed, 2022. 06. 13 ~ 2023. 06. 12
15. Reliability verification using commercial air conditioner outdoor unit (multi-V) fan motor gear train, 상업용 에어컨 실외기 멀티 팬 (V) 구동부 Gear Train 신뢰성 검증, LG Electronics , Completed, 2022. 04. 06 ~ 2023. 02. 28
14. Development of core driving control algorithm and noise level reduction of reducing gearbox for electric tractor, 전기구동 트랙터 핵심 주행제어 알고리즘 개발 및 감속기 소음저감 기술 개발, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology , On-going, 2022. 03. 01 ~ 2023. 12. 31
13. Concept design review of urban air mobility(UAM) reducer, UAM 감속기 컨셉 설계 검토, Hyundai Transys , Completed, 2021. 03. 01 ~ 2023. 03. 31
12. Vibration Measurement and Advanced Development of Composite Damping Gear for NVH Reduction, NVH 저감을 위한 복합소재 댐핑기어의 진동 계측 및 선행 개발, Hyundai Motor Company , Completed, 2021. 05. 01 ~ 2022. 05. 31
11. Investigation on Accerelated Life Test Code and Failure Mode for Compound High Efficiency/Lightweight Power Transfer Unit, 복합형 고효율/경량화 동력전달장치 가속수명시험코드 및 고장이력 조사, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials , Completed, 2021. 03. 01 ~ 2022. 06. 30
10. Analysis of Acceleration Gearbox Assembly, 증속기어박스 축계해석, KIM Co., Ltd. , Completed, 2021. 02. 01 ~ 2021. 03. 21
9. MBD-based Gearbox NVH Analysis for Electric Vehicles, 다물체 동역학 기반 전기차용 기어박스 NVH 해석, Smart Manufacturing Technology Ltd. , Completed, 2020. 12. 01 ~ 2021. 09. 30
8. Estimation of Stress Concentration Factor According to Shape of Gear Rim, 기어 림부 형상별 응력 집중 계수 산출, Hyundai Motor Company , Completed, 2020. 04. 01 ~ 2021. 06. 30
7. Investigation on GA Gearbox Design, GA 기어박스 설계 검토, KIM Co., Ltd. , Completed, 2020. 03. 16 ~ 2020. 04. 30
6. Optimum Design of Reducing Gear and Dynamic Characteristics Evaluation, 감속기어의 최적설계 및 동특성 평가, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials , Completed, 2019. 08. 01 ~ 2020. 07. 31
5. Development of Shift Quality Simulation Model for Agricultural Tractor with Power Shuttle Transmission, 전후진 자동변속 파워셔틀 트랙터의 변속충격 예측 시뮬레이션 모델 개발, LS Mtron Ltd. , On-going, 2019. 07. 15 ~ 2019. 12. 15
4. Efficiency Prediction and Acceleration Load Determination of Excavator Slewing Reducer, 굴삭기용 선회감속기의 효율 예측 및 가속부하 결정 , Korea Institute of Industrial Technology , Completed, 2018. 10. 01 ~ 2018. 12. 31
3. Verification of Tractor Transmission Design, 트랙터 변속기 설계 검증, Kukje Machinery Co., Ltd. , Completed, 2018. 09. 01 ~ 2019. 03. 31
2. Detailed Analysis, Design, Test and Evaluation Support for Compound High Efficiency/Lightweight Power Transfer Unit, 복합형 고효율/경량화 동력전달장치 상세 해석 및 설계/시험평가 지원, Agency of Defense Development (ADD) , Completed, 2018. 01. 01 ~ 2020. 12. 31
1. Detailed Analysis, Design, Test and Evaluation Support for Gas Turbine Engine Gearbox, 가스터빈엔진용 기어박스의 상세 해석 및 설계/시험평가 지원, KIM Co., Ltd., Completed, 2017. 03. 01 ~ 2019. 11. 30
    이전페이지 1 다음페이지

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